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Using a beneficiary designation to make a gift

Using a beneficiary designation to make a gift

For friends, Caroline Stanclift '16 and Ana Brenescoto '15, designating Wheaton College as a beneficiary of their IRAs was a logical step in giving back to the institution that set them up for success beyond college and granted them a lifelong friendship.

"I joined the Founders Society because Wheaton changed my life, and I want our college to continue making an impact for generations to come. My path to Wheaton wasn't typical. I arrived without a strong academic background, but Wheaton's supportive community was there every step of the way, encouraging me to take chances, grow and succeed. In retrospect, what stands out most is how this college helped me find my potential.

Since 2018, I've had the privilege of working as a member of Wheaton's staff, actively contributing to President Michaele Whelan's vision for the future of our college. Being part of a team that creates opportunities for students every day is incredibly fulfilling. Through my Slype Sustainer gifts, I support the Wheaton of today, while my Founders Society membership is my investment in the Wheaton of tomorrow.

Joining the Founders Society had been on my mind for a while, though I initially felt a bit unsure about the process. I soon realized that making a planned gift is not only an impactful way to support Wheaton's future, but it also doesn't affect my financial situation today. It was truly a "lightbulb moment" for me, understanding I could leave a meaningful legacy without a present-day financial impact. Joining became an easy choice."
Ana Brenescoto '15

"Beyond building skills required to be a high-powered professional, Wheaton is an institution that encourages students to discover and embody their core values. For me, Wheaton instilled a work ethic that enabled my success and showed me the importance of community, mentorship, and giving back to others.

I was fortunate that Nancy Soderberg '44, left me beautiful Wheaton College china after she passed. Looking at the plates and tea cups with the Chapel, Mary Lyon, and the Library on them, I feel so honored by her gift and grateful that we both had such a strong connection to the Wheaton community, despite graduating over 70 years apart.

After recent conversations with Wheaton's Advancement team, I decided to include a planned gift to the college in my will to honor those in the Wheaton community who have mentored me and because I learned that planned gifts are one of the most impactful ways to give to the college to support long-term growth.

I hope my planned gift may encourage other younger alumni to consider giving back to Wheaton, contribute to the financial security of the college and enable future generations of students to be part of the wonderful Wheaton community."
Caroline Stanclift '16

Is a beneficiary designation gift right for you?

You can designate Wheaton College as a beneficiary of your retirement, investment, bank account, or insurance policy just like our youngest Founders Society members, Ana and Caroline.

If you own a qualified retirement plan, such as an IRA, 401(k) or 403(b) and would like to make a charitable gift, your family or your estate might benefit if you update your beneficiary designation form naming Wheaton College as a beneficiary. Beneficiary designation gifts may help your heirs avoid paying income tax on certain inherited assets and may help your estate avoid estate taxes.

The benefits of each gift may be different, you should seek the advice of your legal, tax or financial advisor.

Contact us for more information to help you get started.

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